Antique & Vintage Stores In Ithaca NY
- East Hill Antiques Located in Ithaca's East Hill Plaza
- Pastimes Antiques Downtown in the Historic Dewitt Building
- Petrune Classic Vintage Clothing from Every Decade
- Sheldon Hill Antique, Vintage & Estate Jewelry
- Significant Elements Architectural Salvage (Historic Ithaca)
Antique & Vintage Stores Nearby
- Antique Revival Antiques and Decorative Arts. Located in Big Flats (near Elmira).
- Early Owego Antque Center A Multi-Dealer antique shop just down the road in Owego, NY
- Riverbend Antiques A multi-dealer shop located in Marathon. Also home to Marathon Auctions.
- Shethar 57 Antiques, Vintage, Industrial, Urban, Rustic, Mid Century Modern - In Hammondsport
- Up Country Antiques Antiques from Federal through Vintage. Located north of Ithaca in Trumansburg.
- Vintage Lulu's Vintage furniture and decorative items for your home and garden. Located in Newfield NY
Restoration and Upholstery
- Clingen Quest Restoration Professional furniture restoration, specializing in 18th and 19th century antiques.
- Custom Upholstery Distinctive residential upholstery by Karen French.
- Littlestone Upholstery Design Traditional and artistic custom upholstery by Anne Steinle
Friends and Neighbors
- American Crafts by Robbie Dein
- Bostwick House B&B Mary Rose Savino, Innkeeper
- Dragonfly Grille Our friend and regular FOUND FLEA food vendor.
- Finger Lakes Bottle Collectors Association
- Finger Lakes ReUse Center A local non-profit dedicating to reducing waste, relieving poverty, and teaching job skills.
- Inn on Columbia Gracious accomodations to travelers from all over the country and around the world.
- maya*made Exquisite designs made from sustainable resources and inpired by the natural world.
Travel and Tourism
- I Love the Finger Lakes Comprehensive guide to the Finger Lakes region.
- Visit Ithaca Everything you need to know about Ithaca you'll find here!